React Native Setup ft. Windows Part 1

Have patience & understand errors

React Native Setup ft. Windows Part 1

Photo by Trent Erwin on Unsplash

  1. Step 1: Install Chocolatey

    1. Open Windows PowerShell as Administrator

    Right-click on the Start menu, select "Windows PowerShell (Admin)".

    2. Set the Execution Policy

    In PowerShell, run the following command to set the execution policy:

     Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned

    When prompted, type Y to confirm. This ensures that only signed scripts can be executed.

    3. Verify the Execution Policy

    Check if the execution policy has been set correctly by running:


    You should see AllSigned instead of Unrestricted.

    4. Install Chocolatey

    Now, let's install Chocolatey. Go to Command Prompt (cmd) and run:

     @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"

    5. Confirm Chocolatey Installation

    To confirm that Chocolatey is installed, type:


    You should see the version number of Chocolatey. If you see it, congrats! Chocolatey is installed.

    6. Clear the Screen

    Use the cls command to clear the Command Prompt screen:


    Step 2: Install Node.js and Java

    1. Install Node.js

    Download and install Node.js LTS from the official website: Node.js

    2. Install Java (OpenJDK) Using Chocolatey

    Now, let’s install OpenJDK 11 with Chocolatey. In Command Prompt, run:

     choco install -y nodejs-lts microsoft-openjdk11

    The -y flag automatically agrees to all prompts, making the installation smooth.

    3. Verify Java Installation

    To confirm Java is installed, type:

     java --version

    You should see the version details of Java (OpenJDK) that was just installed.


    1. Install Chocolatey:

      • Set execution policy in PowerShell.

      • Install Chocolatey via Command Prompt.

    2. Install Node.js and Java:

      • Download and install Node.js from the official site.

      • Use Chocolatey to install OpenJDK 11.

With Chocolatey, managing software installations on Windows is incredibly efficient. Happy coding!

Android Studio Setup in Part 2

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